December 14th 2021

9567 E. By-Pass Road

Snowbird, Utah 84092


                                    Dave Richards, Chairman

                                    Tom Prosek, Trustee

Jake Treadwell, Trustee 

                                    Keith Hanson, Gen. Mgr./Treasurer

                                    Steve McIntosh, Operations Manager  

                                    Kasey Carpenter, System Operator

Bryauna Alderin, Office Manager/Clerk



The Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order by Chairman Richards at 12:01 pm.


PUBLIC HEARING- Chairman Richards opened the public hearing at 12:02 pm. Let it be noted that there were no public present.


Resolution 2021-4 Water and Sewer 15% rate increase - Mr. Hanson stated a notice was sent out with the October billing statement to all customers regarding the 15% water and sewer rate increase. The only feedback that was received was from resident Chad Horne no objection to the rate increase, just wondering if we could carbonate the water so he wouldn’t have to bring Perrier up from the valley. Mr. Hanson discussed Resolution 2021-4 (Rate and Development Policy Resolution no. 20) The residential water/sewer monthly charge will increase from $103.52 to $119.05. The out of area sewer only monthly charge will increase from $54.72 to $62.93. All members of the board are in agreement the rate increase is necessary to keep in line with the rate increases coming from Cottonwood Improvement District of 25% and Salt Lake City Public Utilities 5% for 2022. Chairman Richards motioned to approve Resolution 2021-4 (Rate and Development Policy Resolution no. 20). Trustee Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. A copy of Resolution 2021-4 is attached to the meeting minutes.




AMENDMENT OF THE 2021 SALT LAKE COUNTY SERVICE AREA #3 BUDGET and 2022 BUDGET HEARING AND APPROVAL- Mr. Hanson reviewed a change to the 2021 amended budget and the 2022 budget with the Board of Trustees. As per state requirements for the budget process. Mr. Hanson discussed a change from the last board meeting is an increase of $4350 to the 6070 Lease payments line item of the 2022 budget, Mr. Hanson stated the Service Area received an invoice from the Forest Service regarding the special use permit issued to the service area in 1971. Having never seen this in years past Mr. Hanson did some research and found this special use permit is for the 3.6 miles of sewer line on Forest Service land. This Forest Service special use permit will be billed annually. Mr. Hanson went on to discuss the 2021 Direct costs, 2021 approved costs were $381,957.00 and 2021 amended costs are $306,305.00. 2022 budgeted Direct costs are $396,275.00. 2021 approved wages were $272,146.00, 2021 amended wages are $258,332.00. 2022 budgeted wages are $304,779.00. 2021 approved total Operating expenses $508,900.00 and 2021 amended total Operating expenses are $490,633.00. 2022 budgeted total Operating expenses are $567,182.00. Mr. Hanson reviewed the Capital budget, 2021 approved infrastructure replacement account $52,308.00, 2021 amended infrastructure replacement account $103,804.00. The 2022 budgeted amount to be put in the infrastructure replacement fund is $110,125.00. 2021 approved Capital expenditures were $83,500.00 and 2021 amended capital expenditures are $133,730.00. 2022 budgeted Capital expenditures are $178,000.00. 2021 approved Total cash expended was $1,067,465.00 and 2021 amended Total Cash expended is $1,072,032.00. 2022 budgeted Total Cash expended is $1,290,582.00. Trustee Treadwell motioned to approve the Resolution 2021-5 amendment of the 2021 budget and adoption and certification of the 2022 budget. Trustee Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


2021 Capital Improvements completed below:

·         MidGad improvements -$6,520.00

·         Tunnel rehab - $10,000.00

·         SCADA improvements - $20,000.00

·         Office SCADA server and software - $30,000.00

·         Water meter upgrades - $40,000.00

·         Abandon old sewer manholes 123-127 - $3,250.00

·         New lower sewer meter - $5,500.00

·         New rings and lids - $1,000.00

·         Office building roof repairs - $13,210.00

·         Welder/Generator (capital tools) - $4,250.00


PUBLIC HEARING- Chairman Richards closed the public hearing at 12:22 pm.


MEETING MINUTES APPROVAL –With no changes to be made. Chairman Richards motioned to approve the minutes from the November 23, 2021 Board meeting and Trustee Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.



2022 Annual Meeting Schedule discussion-

Chairman Richards proposed the Board meetings be changed to Monday. Mr. Hanson had individual discussions with all the Trustees and Trustee elect to change the board meetings from the third Tuesday at 12pm to the third Monday at 12pm each month with the exeptionof January, February and December which will be held on the second Monday of each month. The Board briefly discussed the proposed 2022 Annual Meeting Schedule for Service Area Meetings. The general consensus was this schedule will work.  Mr. Hanson stated in the event of a conflict with trustee work schedules, to notify the Service Area with sufficient notice.  Chairman Richards made a motion approving the 2022 Annual Meeting Schedule. Trustee Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. A copy of the 2022 Annual Meeting Schedule is attached to the minutes.


2022 Personnel Policy and Procedures Discussion and Approval – Mr. Hanson briefly discussed the 2022 updated policy and procedures. Mr. Hanson stated the only change that has been made since the last meeting was Ms. Alderin made a change to Section 14 – I  - Sick Leave. Ms. Alderin added the following “Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which an employee may use at their discretion, but shall be allowed only in the case of necessity and actual sickness or disability of the employee or immediate family of the employee”. Chairman Richards asked for a motion to approve the Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Personnel Policy & Procedures Version 1. Trustee Prosek motioned to approve, Chairman Richards seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.




Trustee Election information – Mr. Hanson stated the newly elected Trustees Chris Bremer and Tom Prosek will be sworn in Monday January 3rd 2022. Mr. Hanson thanked Jake Treadwell for his time on the board.


Badger Meter update– Mr. Hanson stated that to date Mr. McIntosh and Mr. Carpenter have installed 87 remote meters and are in service. SA3 in working with the Snowbird plumber they have installed 4 larger meters in the Maintenance shop, Hilton, MidGad and Powderbird.


Forest Service Special Use Permit – Mr. Hanson discussed the Forest Service Special use permit for the 3.6 miles of sewer line agreed upon in 1971. In November the Service Area received a bill from the Forest Service for the special use permit of $4350.00, Mr. Hanson stated this was the first bill he had ever seen for the Special use permit. Mr. Hanson has been in contact with the Forest Service to get an explanation, Mr. Hanson spoke with Charles Rosier and Mr. Rosier stated that for the last 40 years the fee waiver technically was not allowed and the Service Area would see an annual bill from now on. Mr. Hanson did get the bill reduced from $4350.00 to $2200.00 by asking that the 20-foot area be reduced to a 10-foot area for the 3.6 miles of sewer line. The Forest Service has issued a new Special use permit for the sewer line that is valid until 2041. Mr. Hanson will sign the new Special use permit with Board approval. A copy of the Forest Service Special use permit is attached to the meeting minutes for review.


Mr. Hanson gave a brief update of the following:

·         Mr. Hanson stated he continues to work through the draft Construction Standards. Mr. Hanson plans to review at the January board meeting.

·         Blackjack lot 8 sewer connection has been approved.

·         With the installation of the new remote read meter it was found that the water system had a backflow issue. SA3 and the Snowbird worked together and installed a new backflow assembly for the water system at the Midgad restaurant.

·         Snowbird snowmaking has used 40% of their water allotment. Current water use is at approximately 35 million gallons.

·         Mr. Hanson attended an Environmental Protection Agency webinar regarding the Emergency Response Plan.

·         The Board approved the Holiday/Safety award gift cards given each year to all employees and Trustees for remaining safe throughout 2021.

·         Night operator hourly rate raised from $18.00 to $20.00.


TREASURER’S REPORT Mr. Hanson reviewed with the Board of Trustees, the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report through November 30th, 2021. The Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual January 1st, 2021 through November 30th, 2021. These reports are emailed to members of the Board, prior to this Board meeting for their review. Financial reports are prepared by Salt Lake County Service Area #3. Copies of the financials are attached to the minutes.


APPROVAL OF BILLS PAID Chairman Richards moved that the bills listed on the check detail dated November 24th through December 10th, 2021 as presented by Mr. Hanson hereby be authorized and ratified to be paid by the office manager. Chairman Richards asked for a motion to approve the check detail. Trustee Treadwell motioned to approve. Trustee Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Copies of the approved bills are attached to the minutes.













ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed, Chairman Richards motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:11 pm.



Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird                     




Dave Richards/Chairman



ATTEST: _________________________________________

Bryauna Alderin/Clerk



DATE: ____________________________________________