February 26, 2019

at the Service Area Administration Building

PRESENT:                          Dave Richards, Chairman

                                                Kate McGuinness, Trustee

                                                Tom Prosek, Trustee

                                                Keith Hanson, Gen. Mgr./Treasurer

Bryauna Alderin, Office Manager/Clerk

Mark Haik, Resident



Salt Lake County Service Area #3 Board of Trustees meeting called to order by Mr. Richards at 12:03pm.



Mr. Richards made a motion approving the meeting minutes from January 15th 2019 board meeting minutes as written.  Ms. McGuinness seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried.


Resolution 2019-1- Alta contract extension- Resolution 2019-1 Alta operation contract extension copies of resolution attached to minutes.


Steve McIntosh:  Steve was injured while working his part time job for the Town of Alta removing a cornice above the Community Center/Post office. Steve was taken to the hospital checked and released around 11pm 2/25/19.





Sugarplum Fire: Mr. Hanson discussed the fire 2/16/2019 Sugarplum Condos. A fire started in unit E around 4pm Saturday evening. The fire burned from 4pm to approx. 7am the next morning of Sunday 2/17/19. The Fire was caused by broken gas line within the wall of Unit E. 217,000 gallons of water used in total. (185,600 gallons of water from Superior, 25,400 gallons of water from Peruvian and 6,600 gallons of water from source). Steve McIntosh and Aaron Rugg assisted with water operations and were on scene from 4pm to 12am. Mr. Hanson mentioned the fact of the great work of the community. Unified Fire was very grateful for all the help and cooperation.











2018 Water Use Data survey: Mr. Hanson went over the 2018 water usage break down. Population 3600 Dates of use 1/1/2018-12/31/2018. Salt Lake County Service Area #3 works off 2 sources Peruvian Tunnel and the Wasatch Drain Tunnel. A copy of the Utah Water Use Data survey is attached to the minutes. Information also available online at .


Break down of water use: Residential- 2,662,658.00(Sugarplum area)

                                                  Commercial- 61,836,400.00(Snowbird Resort)

                                                  Industrial- 100,073,390.00 (Snowbird snowmaking)

                                                  Total Water Use 2018- 164,572,448.00




Alta Council Meeting: Mr. Hanson attended the February 14th 2019 Alta Town Council meeting and discussed Antimony filter plant update the Alta Town Council was informed by Mr. Hanson that they would need to budget in 2020-2021 for a new media for the plant. Mr. Hanson also discussed the 4” water line to Grizzly and sewer to West Grizzly, Capital improvements to the sewer line on Chickadee and manholes in the canyon. Capital improvement plans for the Town of Alta. One critical replacement Mr. Hanson discussed that needs to be done this year is the replacement of the Bay City pump. Current pumps at 60,000 and 20,000 hours.


Creekside Lodge:  Discussion of Creekside lodge water overages, Mr. Hanson went over the contract stating they are allotted 80,000 gallons monthly for Creekside. Usage numbers for January water use 127,000 gallons and February water usage 116,000 gallons. Snowbird is aware of the problem and will continue to work on the issue.


SA3 Summer Projects:

Mr. Hanson discussed the following summer projects briefly:


·         Repairs of Sewer lines connecting Manholes 128-122 has been put on hold due to potential construction in the area by Snowbird Resort. The sewer line will be monitored and inspected in the spring.


·         Master Meter install and Changing System Dynamics in the spring.


·         Meeting with Snowbird on Sunday March 3rd to discuss possibility of adding new snowmaking line with it connecting to the Valet Pump Station.


·         Replace the oldest fire hydrant in Service Area at the end of Martha Road in Sugarplum village. Replacement cost approximately $10,000.00.





·         Possible Tunnel Improvements: Improvements to the Wasatch Drain tunnel water treatment  facilities. Mr. Hanson will be meeting with Division of Drinking Water engineering staff to determine the best way to meet future needs of the Salt Lake County Service Area #3. 2 potential improvements are:

·         Addition of Antimony filters in the WDT. Budget cost at this time $300,000.

·         Ozone generation for oxidation to retro fit to move away from using chlorine and sulfur dioxide as the treatment option for water. Approximate budget cost $490,000.00. The Water Treatment plant has been running since 1989 with one major improvement over the 30-year operation.


·         Video inspection of entire Canyon sewer line this year.


·         Tunnel painting  upgrade of the water treatment plant in the tunnel.


Succession Plan- Mr. Hanson stated Salt Lake County Service Area #3 plans to bring on Kasey Carpenter as an Operator full time at $20.00 hour with benefits in May 2019. Mr. Hanson discussed the review and update of the Operations and Maintenance plan along with the Emergency Response plan. Mr. Hanson and Ms. Alderin will work to update and digitize both documents.


Mr. Hanson informed the board that our accountant Steve Rawley from Keddington & Christensen was here in preparation for the audit on February 11th-12th 2019.  The 2018 Audit is scheduled  for March 25th-29th 2019.


A third PTIF account was added to total 3 PTIF accounts, General Savings with a balance of $185,532.15, Water Capital Fund with a balance of $204,903.81, and the Sewer Capital Fund with a balance of $140,000.00. Mr. Hanson mentioned the possibility of paying off the building loan with Zion Bank at a cost of $207,000.00 will further discuss at next Board Meeting March 19th 2019.




Mr. Hanson reviewed with the Board of Trustees, the Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison report beginning January 1st through January 31st, 2019 the Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual beginning January 1st through January 31st, 2019 and Check Details beginning January 15th through February 25th, 2019. These reports are emailed to members of the board, prior to this board meeting for their review. Financial reports are prepared by Salt Lake County Service Area #3.



Ms. McGuinness moved that the bills listed on January 15th through Feb 25th 2019 payment registers, as presented by Mr. Hanson hereby be authorized and ratified to be paid by the office manager. Tom Prosek seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  Copies of the approved bills are attached to the minutes.




There being no further business to be discussed, Chairman Richards a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and unanimously carried at 1:13 p.m.











Salt Lake County Service Area #3-Snowbird                    




Dave Richards/Chairman



ATTEST: _________________________________________

Bryauna Alderin/Clerk



DATE: ____________________________________________